{"id":9939,"global_id":"www.kenbrink.co.za?id=9939","global_id_lineage":["www.kenbrink.co.za?id=9939"],"author":"35","status":"publish","date":"2024-04-01 14:39:29","date_utc":"2024-04-01 12:39:29","modified":"2024-04-01 14:48:39","modified_utc":"2024-04-01 12:48:39","url":"https:\/\/www.kenbrink.co.za\/event\/%e2%9d%a4%ef%b8%8fwalking-our-neighborhood-afternoon%e2%9d%a4%ef%b8%8f\/","rest_url":"https:\/\/www.kenbrink.co.za\/wp-json\/tribe\/events\/v1\/events\/9939","title":"\u2764\ufe0fWalking Our Neighborhood Afternoon\u2764\ufe0f","description":"

Dear Residents, Based on the last incident reported by one of our residents about a speeding car which nearly hit a cyclist, the KRA Committee is promoting an event called \u201cWalking Our Neighborhood\u201d in the late afternoon of 5 April, 2024.<\/p>\n

This event is not only to PROTEST and SAY NO to those speedy cars in our neighbourhood, reminding everyone that it is a residential area, but, it is also a chance for our neighbours to meet each other on their walk, appreciate your neighbours\u2019 pavements, setting up play dates for your children, sharing something interesting with each other etc.<\/p>\n

So, we are calling EVERYONE, bring your children and dogs, come to the streets and walk with us! Your participation will help to make a change!<\/p>\n